Plastic kettle – a stylish way to boil your water
An electric kettle is a type of electric device that heats water on its own and shuts off on its own when the water reaches boiling point or a predetermined temperature below 100 °C. A plastic kettle is a type of kettle with a plastic body. There are also other types of electric kettles, such as glass and stainless steel electric kettles.
One of the most fundamental kitchen accessories and unquestionably a must in any kitchen is the kettle. Here at Kulina, we have a great selection of plastic kettles from well-known manufacturers like Alessi, Stelton, and Eva Solo in a variety of styles and colours. Some of them are even design icons and all of them are very stylish and will be great decorations for your kitchen worktop. You can also check the offer of the manufacturer to see if there are any other matching kitchen appliances like a toaster or coffee grinder for a more unified look of your kitchen.
How frequently should I wash my plastic kettle?
Everything depends on how frequently you use your kettle and how hard the water is. Calcium carbonate is accumulated as limescale in locations with hard water. The areas surrounding your taps and inside equipment like kettles are frequently covered in limescale deposits.
To make the task easier, clean the bottom immediately if you see a buildup of limescale. If your water is particularly hard, you might need to do this as often as once every week.
After properly cleaning and maintaining your kettle, you will enjoy your tea and serve it in your favourite tea pot in your favourite mug.
What are the key plastic kettle features?
Each of our plastic kettles has been carefully designed to be fashionable, effective, and functional. The affordability of plastic kettles is their biggest benefit but they are also light, available in many colours and have attractive shapes.
To prevent plastic from coming into touch with the liquid you are trying to boil, some of our plastic kettles include stainless steel interiors. Always make sure that your plastic kettle comes from a reliable producer and is made of high-quality materials and plastic that does not contain BPA and does not release any harmful substances when in contact with hot water.
Looking for other kitchen essentials or more tea accessories? Read our shopping guide on the top 10 kitchen essentials that are worth investing in or our tea-making and serving shopping guide for all tea lovers.